Sionic Mobile: Challenging the Fears of 5G
The future of technology is upon us and evolving at warp speed. Everything from mobile apps to automation are making our lives easier. But, are we headed for hi-tech doom and gloom? Will robots aided by artificial intelligence take over our planet?
Digital networks, mobile and home devices are creating opportunities for a tech revolution. So, could 5G be our gateway into future? In a word, yes. It will change the way the world connects and communicates around us. 5G will not only provide the interconnectivity of various devices, but also ecosystems.
Of course, it will make mobile apps and app-based technology much faster than it is today. That’s a good thing. But, in a world so linked by mobility and integrated networks, why are some people so afraid of 5G? Sionic Mobile takes a deeper look.
It’s A “G” Thing
Before taking the magic carpet ride into a world of what’s possible, let’s better understand what 5G is.
To put it in simple terms, 5G is the fifth generation mobile network. It’s powerful and unlike any of the other networks that preceded it. As the new global standard, it enables everyone to connect with everything. This includes devices, machinery and objects.
Not only that, the 5G network will deliver much higher data speeds and be more reliable than those before. It will also provide massive network capacity and increased availability. This will, in turn, offer a more consistent user experience to more users. Plus, better performance and efficiency will improve user experiences and connect new industries.
As a point of reference, here’s a breakdown of the past high-speed networks and what they enabled:
· 1G — Delivered analog voice (1980s)
· 2G — Debuted digital voice (early 1990s)
· 3G — Provided mobile data (early 2000s)
· 4G LTE — Introduced mobile broadband (2010s)
Each generation represented a significant advancement in digital technology. 5G will be no different, and it will enhance and connect other technologies and networks.
What Are You So Afraid Of?
Fears of radiation and electromagnetic fields date back to the 1970s. Everything from power lines to TVs and appliances causing cancer created controversy. Then, there was the paranoia around cellphones and high-speed networks affecting our genetics. And, in some minds, slowly leading to our demise.
A recent article from the Atlantic clarifies some of these misconceptions and conspiracies:
This article also has important information from the World Health Organization. It concluded that it found no significant health risks from low-level electromagnetic fields. This after decades of research.
Though this may be true, the confusion still continues. There have been echos from around the world that links coronavirus to 5G towers. This is not proven. So, was must ask ourselves, why are we so afraid of 5G? It’s not so much fear, as it is the unknown. 5G may likely be the most significant advancement in digital networks to date.
Sionic Mobile Says, Have No Fear
Advancing digital networks are evident. The digital ecosystems accessing these networks are even more visible. I mean, we all love convenience services and the technology that make them possible. Sionic Mobile believes ULink™ technology will play a pivotal role in automated convenience.
The world will undergo some changes with the full implementation of 5G. It will affect everything from the IoT (Internet of Things) to augmented reality. Download speeds will be faster and driverless cars will become a reality. TechEngage outlines some upcoming and significant changes in a very straight forward article:
These are all good things that will spur the acceleration of new technology. But, because the world is advancing, that doesn’t mean we’re in danger. There is science that proves longtime conspiracy theories baseless, although debates continue.
The Forbes article, The Science Of Why 5G Is (Almost) Certainly Safe For Humans, shares insights. It explains how low and high-energy radiation can affect the body. Consumer levels of radiation pose little to no threat. Scientific studies support the assumption that 5G is safe is, according to Forbes. It’s this level of detail that may quell certain fears about the effects of 5G on the human body and its safety.
Challenging Fears with Benefits
It’s critical to understand the great benefits 5G could offer us.
First, it could bring high-speed networks to rural towns and communities. Areas once without this type of digital network would have access and be able to grow and better compete. This could have massive effects on manufacturing, education and medical accessibility. Also, it could be pivotal in helping small businesses bounce back from the pandemic.
Though this may be true, it will come at a cost. The Fast Mode states that bringing 5G to rural areas would require a change in the technology behind 5G. It would also mean more financial backing for those rural communities. But, all these things are possible and needed.
Next, Smart Homes will become more sophisticated, thus impacting our everyday lives. At some point, smart homes will become smart cities, with smart cars. There will be an interconnectivity between human, home, device, vehicle and ecosystem. Smart cities will use IoT to harness real time data to determine our demands. An article from Reply reveals the extent 5G will transform cities and our lives:
5G and Smart Cities: Smarter Solutions for A Hyperconnected Future
The article also states that IoT trends suggest a huge increase in connected devices. By 2025, global connected devices may rise to 75 billion; yes, with a “B.” At that level, a 5G will play an obligatory role.
Sionic Mobile Says: Face the Facts
Let’s face it. The Covid-19 Pandemic has changed everything. Everything from consumer payment behavior to the how we go about our everyday lives. Now, we’re left with the new normal and that is contactless and a move toward automation.
Our quality of life as we know it will become more streamlined. Services and systems around us will evolve, making our lives simpler and more on demand. 5G will influence businesses that provide services and apps that manage IoT systems. These very systems will convert data into useful insights that will improve how we live. It will also make the products and services we desire better in every way.
Whether you are comfortable with our evolution to 5G dependent services or not, it’s here. And, it will continue to proliferate throughout our society. The pandemic revealed to restaurants and retailers the necessity for online ordering. It also solidified a change in consumer behavior to curbside pickup. This is only an example of the pace in which things can turn on a dime.
Now, take that same logic and apply it to all aspects of our lives. What once was a “nice to have” is now a demand. A necessity. Though some may view 5G as the big bad manipulator, it’s not what you may think. There’s no need to fear change. 5G is secure and will only fast forward what’s possible in our advanced and ever changing world. It’s inevitable.